Exhibition at Cercle de Belles Arts de Lleida.
Cities of the world
Exhibition Literart by Cercle de Belles Arts from Lleida
Inspirational phrases.
""Architecture to be frozen music so is statuary cristallized spirituality"".
Louise May Alcott. Writer, (1832-1888).
"Art seems to me to be a state of soul".
Marc Chagall. Painter(1887-1985).
"By plucking her petals you do not gather the beauty of the flower".
Rabindranath Tagore. Hindu Philosopher (1861-1941).
"The proportion between human work and nature is the same average as between man and God".
Leonardo Da Vinci (1452 - 1519).
"I don't think of all the misery but about the beauty that will remain".
Anne Frank(1929 -1945).
"Deep in the soul, may be a great fire in your heart, yet no one come to warm himself at it".
Vicent Van Gogh. Pintor. (1853-1890).
"Art is a way of seeing the univers that the scientist does not see, trough the emotion. Listen to a Mozart Sonata makes you feel a kind of emotion that makes you closer to the mistery of universe than science. The same think happens with religion that allows you to see another facet of the univers that is out of the reach of science. The musicians have another kind of relationship with the universe than the scientists".
Chistian de Duve, Nobel Prize in Medicine (1917-2013).
"Human perception of beauty would not be possible with the condition of our mortality and of the world itself. Beauty is possible because of the temporality of the things that makes its loss inevitable., this lost is the perception of the asymmetry of time,its unpredactibility and lethargy of its imbalance and gap, the Evil in the world but also his kindness.The experiencie of beauty is something alien but also belong to us, a return flight, a migratory rhythm that is home. .We enter into a relationship of desire with the world because we know that in a sense we lost the world. .Loosing the world and at the same time mergin with it is our desire and our fear it is omnipotence:death true and emptiness"".
Crispin Sartwell. Philosopher (born in 1958).